A Non-Profit Organization
Founded in 2022 by three high school students, Pensatrees is working towards a more eco friendly environment in Pensacola Florida. Pensacola is ranked number 12 for toxic releases per square mile in the United States. The air quality has been under attack by widespread pollution. All donations go towards planting one full tree in Pensacola. At a wide scale the benefits of multiple new trees would be tremendous. The BP Oil Disaster is still haunting Pensacola today.
Mission Statement:
Pensatrees is dedicated to creating a greener and more sustainable future by planting trees and promoting environmental awareness. The first step starts in our own communities.
Benefits Of Trees
The Focus of Our Efforts
Trees help restore ecosystems and are essential to the health of forests and different environmental systems. They improve the soil and attract many different wildlife to the area.
Trees main benefit is that they filter the air of toxic pollutants. They also absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, which directly combats climate change.
Trees can completely change town environments from dull and stale to vibrant and lush. The added shade and improved air quality are the main positives and makes any environment more enjoyable.
Trees Planted: 750
All thanks to you and your donations!
Please note that this is a non-profit and 100 % of donations go to planting trees.